Monday, 26 August 2019

Write a html program to define tags #demo

Write a html program to define tags 



<a name="bf">  this is a book mark in the first file  </a>

<h1> heading 1</h1>
<h2> heading 2</h2>
<h3> heading 3</h3>
<h4> heading 4</h4>
<h5> heading 5</h5>
<h6> heading 6</h6>
<p> indicates a paragraph break this is a paragraph
<br> indicates a line break this is  a line break
this is a normal text
             this is a preformatted text
<a name="bbbb"> this is another bookmark </a>
<block quote>
 this is another blockquoted text
</block quote>
<i> this is a italic text</i>
<u> this is a underlined text</u>
<b> this is a boldtext</b>
<em> this is a emphasized text</em>
<tt> this is a type written text</tt>
<Strong>type val  strong bold font
<cite> highlighted citation text
this is a <sub>subscripted</sub> text
this is a <super>superscripted</super> text
list ordered
<li> first
<li> second
<li> third
<li> fourth
<li> fifth
<li> sixth
list unordered
<li> first
<li> second
<li> third
<li> fourth
<li> fifth
<li> sixth
<dt> soup
   <dd> tomato
   <dd> minestorme
   <dd> sweetcurd
    <dd> tomtoes
    <dd> Mine storme
    <dd> sweetcurd
    <a href="#bf"> this is a normal link to the samefile </a>
    <a href="#bf"> this is normal link to samefile</a>
    <a href="chirag.html">
    this is a bookmark link to the second file
     <a href="#bbbb"> xxxxxxx</a>
                    this is the author's address in unique format

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