Showing posts with label SEARCHING (Design & Analysis of Algorithms). Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEARCHING (Design & Analysis of Algorithms). Show all posts

Friday, 5 April 2019

SEARCHING (Design & Analysis of Algorithms)


Searching is an operation of data structure to search an item in a list. There are 3 types of searching methods:- Linear search, Binary search, Hashing .

Linear Search:-
In this method the item search in a sequential order starting from 0 index and stop until the last index or the item found.

WAP to search an item using linear search.

#define MAX 20
int lsearch(int[],int,int);
void main()
{    int a[MAX],n,item,i;
 printf("\nEnter number of element in array:");
 printf("\nEnter %d elements:",n);
 printf("\nEnter the search item:");
    printf("\n%d is at index number %d",item,i);
     printf("\n%d is not found",item);
 return 0;

int lsearch(int a[],int n,int item)
{             int i;
                                           return i;
              return -1;

Binary Search

ž  Binary search algorithm assumes that the items in the list being searched are sorted.
ž  The algorithm begins at the middle of the list in a binary search.
ž  We compare between the search item and the middle element of the array. If match return the index number.
ž  If the item for which we are searching is less than the item in the middle, we know that the item won’t be in the second half of the list.  If the item for which we are searching is greater than the item in the middle, we know that the item won’t be in the first half of the list.
ž  The process continues with each comparison cutting in half the portion of the list where the item might be.
ž  The time complexity of this algorithm is O(log n)

Algorithm to Binary Search

Step 1:- Set low=0
              Set high=n-1;
Step 2:- Repeat step 3 to 9 until low<=high
Step 3:-               Set mid=(low+high)/2
Step 4:-               if (item== A[mid] ) then
Step 5:-                             return mid
Step 6:-               else if( item < A[mid] ) then
Step 7:-                             high=mid -1
Step 8:-               else
Step 9:-                             low=mid + 1
                             [End if]
                 [End loop]
Step 10:- return -1
Step 11:- End

WAP to search an item in a sorted list using binary search.

#define MAX 20
int bsearch(int[],int,int);
void main()
  int a[MAX],n,item,i;
  printf("\nEnter number of element in array:");
  printf("\nEnter %d elements:",n);
  printf("\nEnter the search item:");
    printf("\n%d is at index number %d",item,i);
              printf("\n%d is not found",item);
int bsearch(int a[],int n,int item)
{             int l,u,m;
              {             m=(l+u)/2;
                                           return m;
                             else if(item<a[m])
              return -1;

                                     THANK YOU

engineering gyan

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